Last weekend was the event for 1st PC Fair in 2008, alot of people went over there to grab on some best bargain price computer and electronic hardware, including me. My old computer is at the age of retiring and soon fade into dust, so I've decided to jump platform from AMD to new Intel Core2 Duo. I went over to Low Yat Plaza instead of PC Fair for several reason, for PC Fair is too crowed, espcially on the last day which is happen to be public holiday too. Another reason is I've poeple that i know working in Low Yat Plaza, which could give me better price and services. So I bought a Intel Core2 Duo E4600, a Abit IP35-E and a pair of Team Elite DDR800 from ATE, which cost around RM 918. I rush back to home to test it and instal a fresh copy of vista *ultimate*. First attempt was 250fsb multiply of 12, and it successfully boot into window and pass Super PI 1M(19sec), 2M(1min).
SuperPI resultTo achieved 3ghz using Core2 Duo is just too easy, so I continue to seek the fsb wall of this motherboard. I continue to raise the fsb to 270 and 300 using stock voltage and CL5-5-5-15. I was unable to hit targeted fsb of 300, and I decided to update bios 16 and hoping able to reach 300fsb using stock voltage. In the end, the result turn to be bad. So after several day of trial and error, i finally manage to hit 300fsb @1.4v and 1:1 ram with 5-5-5-13