Recent Life

For the past 2 weeks, it's been very bust for me, as I have to finish 1 group assignment and 1 individual assignment, as well as preparing for the exam of Malaysian Studies ( another subject for Sejarah, boring). But it's all finally over to give way for something even worse to come, my final exam before I can take 2 months holiday. And saturday night, I went over to Sri Sentosa campfire with my fellow friends. The campfire start off quite boring, because I felt that the video they made was too lame, and the dance was horrible and there is lack of drive to heat up the crowd. Part of the reason I was bored because of the lame emcee. But when coming to end, where the climax during the campfire, was the band performance, as well as the fireworks show which I think would cost rm500 for that 15 minutes of show.

Next stop of campfire would be 向阳 campfire which is around 9th of June. That time we will be able to catch something interesting, like the Zombie's doraemon dance

So, till then, I'll sign off now and off to my bed.. *yawn*


R3i kY0u said...

LMAO! That video was freaking unbelievably disgusting and hilarious at the same time! A joke man! It's just like a bunch of guys dancing the 'Hare Hare Yukai' song drom Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu!

JD said...

They're actually the same group, which called "the zombie"